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Real Estate Law
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Release of Land from an Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (“ETJ”)

The Texas Legislature recently enacted a law that provides landowners with a means to remove their property from a City’s ETJ. Removal will provide a landowner with an exemption from the City ordinances applicable in the ETJ and protection against future annexation of their property. Property owners in an ETJ may request that their property Read More

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Real Estate Business Issues: Statute of Frauds

In the world of real estate, contracts are the cornerstone of transactions. They delineate the terms and conditions agreed upon by the involved parties, providing a framework for the exchange of property. However, not all agreements are created equal, and in Texas, the Statute of Frauds plays a pivotal role in determining which contracts are Read More

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Common Title Problems in a Real Estate Transaction

In any real estate transaction, one of the key steps toward closing is the title search. Its purpose is to make sure the seller owns the property and also to discover any problems or competing interests that might encumber the seller’s right to sell. Title defects, whether due to third-party claims, flawed records or fraudulent Read More

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What Must You Disclose When Selling a Home in Texas?

Whether you’re selling the home you’ve lived in for years or flipping the fixer-upper you’ve refurbished, you’ll need to make a series of disclosures to the prospective buyer before any deal can be finalized. Texas law requires home sellers to inform buyers of material defects in the property that may affect its value. Usually, these Read More

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New Seller’s Disclosure Notice Protects Buyers of Flood-Prone Property

Potential home buyers should be aware that sellers are required to disclose certain information about their property, especially concerning defects and conditions that are not discoverable through the exercise of due diligence. In Texas, this notification is done by completing an official form called the Seller’s Disclosure Notice. Now, in response to recent instances of Read More

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Commercial Lease

We frequently advise commercial landlords who’ve finally found a tenant willing to rent their commercial space, or a business tenant who’s finally found the perfect location for their business. When entering a commercial lease, the landlord is thinking about rent checks finally resuming and the tenant is thinking about how successful their business will be. Read More

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Why You Need to Hire a Board Certified Lawyer — Texas Definition and Importance of Certification

A Board Certified lawyer, in Texas, is an attorney who has joined the most elite ranks of attorneys in the State. Board Certified lawyers earn the right to publicly represent themselves as a specialist in a select area of the law. In fact, they are the only attorneys allowed by the State Bar of Texas Read More

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Boundary Disputes in Texas

Not many people expect to find themselves in a boundary dispute, but in Texas, they are actually quite common. Imagine this fairly typical situation: Your neighbors got a large dog, a mastiff or a pit bull, and was responsible enough to realize they need a substantial fence around their yard to keep the dog from Read More

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Should I Hire a Lawyer When Buying a House in Texas?

I get this question a lot — “Should I hire a lawyer when buying a house in Texas?” The answer, as is often the case with many things in life, is “It depends.” Although, I will add that, even in the most banal of real estate transactions, having an attorney on your side who can Read More

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Relinquishment Act of 1919

Relinquishment Act  In Texas, there is a little-known corner of the General Land Office that deals with a specific kind of property: “Relinquishment Act Land.” The Relinquishment Act of 1919 is an obscure piece of legislation that sparked a constitutional fight, lasting until 1928, over the powers of the Government. From his blog, John McFarland Read More

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  • "The best! Richard has been my family’s attorney for 35 years. Integrity best describes Richard Hayes." - John Grafa

  • "From my first meeting with Mr. Berry and his staff, I was immediately relieved. The bankruptcy process was explained to me simply and objectively and I was made to feel at ease through the entire ordeal. I was especially impressed by his helpful and knowledgeable assistant, Jackie Cox. I would hope to be able to retain Byron Berry for any future needs." - Anonymous

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